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Exosome Treatments: Revolutionary Therapy for Regenerative Medicine

Exosome treatment holds promise for prevention AND treatment of hair loss!

Exosomes are of embryonic stem cell origin and contain billions of stem cells and over 300 growth factors with full potential to provide any tissue the much needed rejuvenation and a boost.

Hair loss, also called alopecia, is a disorder caused by an interruption in the body’s cycle of hair’s production. Although androgenetic alopecia cannot be prevented, Exosome therapy is a promising modality owing to its advantages and promising outcomes.

MSC (Mesenchymal Stem Cell) Exosome therapy is a less expensive alternative to hair transplant surgery. This non-invasive treatment option increases hair thickness, fills in a receding hairline, treats baldness as well as severe alopecia.

Aging of the hair is a Thing!

Hair growth produced by MSC Exosomes is independent of aging hair. As the scalp ages, naturally, grown hair might fall off. But stimulated hair due to MSC Exosomes would resist all hormonal changes, making hair growth a permanent solution.

How do Exosomes work in restoring the hair growth?

MSC Exosomes reduce the shrinking and growth of brittle hair strands (miniaturization). From there, without treatment, hair strands continue [shrinking] after each telogen phase until growth ceases to complete.

Many hair care products and treatments help prolong hair growth. However, none of them can treat at a cellular level like exosomes. As a result, the hair growth cycle remains intact longer while hair strands become thicker and healthier.

What are Exosomes?

Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) are human placenta and umbilical cord lining derived cells with self-renewing ability and can differentiate into various cell lineages.

What do Exosomes consist of?

They consist of lipids, proteins, nucleic acids and are acellular. Studies have confirmed that these extracellular vesicles have beneficial effects on inflammation, autoimmunity and regeneration, and contain over 300 growth factors responsible for wound repair and tissue regeneration.

How do Exosome growth factors work?

Exosomes derived growth factors influence hair growth through cellularproliferation to prolong the anagen phase, induce cell growth, and stimulate hair follicledevelopment. MSCs in dermal papilla cells is considered a key factor in stimulating hair growth.

A growth factor is a naturally occurring secreted protein capable of stimulating cell

proliferation, wound healing, and cellular differentiation. Growth factors are important forregulating a variety of cellular processes and typically act as signaling molecules between cells.

Do Exosome hair injections actually work?

PRP has been available as a source of stem cells but it’s quality and quantity has been difficult to control or even predict. PRP quality does get affected by the aging process, health status, medications, stress, environmental exposure.

Exosomes are the purest form of stem cells with the highest available quality and quantity of growth factors and predictable amount.

Please read about Exosomes on

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