One of the first signs of age is the double chin. Fat begins to accumulate, and the facial area begins to look tired and older. A double chin can add years to your appearance.
To restore a trim, clean jawline, you may need far more than diet and exercise – as you have probably discovered. A double chin is exceptionally difficult to get rid of, no matter how much you take care of your body. Advanced technology brings new answers to this problem, and can restore a more youthful profile to your face – achieving truly dramatic results. The chin is far more resistant to exercise and diet than many other body areas, and no matter how vigorously you work out, it won’t go away. Are you tired of seeing that fatty area beneath your chin? At NassifMD® MedSpa, we offer our patients the latest technology to treat a double chin, and get rid of the unwanted fat – permanently.
Kybella is an FDA-approved, non-surgical treatment for a double chin. This is a new concept that has brought outstanding results to patients – the fat cells in the targeted area are destroyed. Kybella is a manmade form of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring substance in your body that helps it absorb fats. When injected into a double chin, it destroys the existing fat cells, which are shed over a few weeks, leading to a trimmer, more youthful profile. It typically requires about three treatments to achieve the fat loss desired.